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Dessiner avec l'oeil dominant : Comprendre notre manière de percevoir, de créer et d'apprendre - French Ed.


With Betty Edwards’ method, which has already convinced more than 3 million drawing apprentices worldwide, you will learn to draw quickly and effectively. 

In this new re[...]

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Dessiner avec l'oeil dominant : Comprendre notre manière de percevoir, de créer et d'apprendre - French Ed.

With Betty Edwards’ method, which has already convinced more than 3 million drawing apprentices worldwide, you will learn to draw quickly and effectively. 

In this new reference book, the author reveals the influence of eye dominance on perception and creation. With the help of numerous illustrations and a variety of exercises, she offers a real guide and invites every budding drawer to take a more conscious look at their creative process. Once you have understood the difference between your dominant and non-dominant eye, the art of drawing will hold no secrets for you. Learn to see better to draw better!

Author: Betty Edwards
Publisher: Mardaga 
Number of pages: 180
ISBN: 9782804709723

Product characteristics

  • Language: French
  • Publisher: Mardaga

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